Thursday 19 July 2007

Preparation for a good Meditation

By Gabriel Da Silva

Some people have a habit of charging headlong into their meditation practice.

One minute they are multi-tasking - getting the kids ready for school whilst mentally rehearsing a presentation for the office whilst sorting out the laundry - and the next minute they plonk themselves down on the cushion, close their eyes and expect to enter a deep and tranquil meditation. They then spend the next 40 minutes with a million thoughts and worries racing around their head and feel bad that they can't meditate.

So I guess the lesson is this - give yourself a few minutes to prepare.

Here are some tips on preparation for meditation.

1. Have a dedicated space that you only use for meditation. It doesn't have to be a big space - it might be a very small corner of a room. But it helps to train your mind to know that when you are in that space, you are there to meditate and only to meditate.

2. Decide beforehand exactly how long you are going to meditate for and which meditation method you are going to use.

3. Create a peaceful atmosphere. Shut out noise as much as possible. Some people find burning incense useful.

4. Make sure your posture is comfortable. For more information on getting the right posture for you, see Jayne’s posts.

5. Spend a few minutes before the sit getting into your body. Just bring awareness to each area of your body one by one and be aware of how your body feels.

6. Remind yourself that for this next short period, you don't have to do or think anything - you only have to meditate.

Thanks to for the image.

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